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Mish and Emil have been working on a podcast that pairs with our book "10 Years, Still Here". They interview some of the artists who have contributed to the anthology about their work, creativity, and trans joy. We were able to produce both the book and the podcast thanks to support from Arts Council England.
Scroll down for the transcripts.
Episode Transcripts
We're working on getting transcripts for all episodes soon - for now, please enjoy the first three!
Ep 1: Cats Not Terfs - with Frank Duffy
Ep 2: DIY Doesn't Mean Do It Alone -with Joni Grace Indolent
Ep 3: Bulletproof Songs - with Beebee Vanunu
Big thanks and love to our transcribers:
Rum Samuel, Jake Herrett (@palegreenghostss and @bearboypics), Marion Damnit (@mariondamnit & @Marion_Damnit), Louis Bailey (@we_rare_things_prints), and Mish Green (@mishgreenmachine)

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